Where to find that peace in God that is beyond human understanding.
God waits for us in TRUTH, where truth is God will be there also! The Spirit of Truth is where Peace resides! John 16:13
The institutional church rejected Galileo’s assertion 1616 that the planets revolved around the sun. Not too long ago, the church rejected me for questioning its mass institutional church response and the corporate medical response to an artificial pandemic and experimental gene therapy to unthinkingly follow government recommendations.
Dennis Prager wisely said that the opposite of evil is not good; it is wisdom.
In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul teaches us how to find true peace in God, which is beyond human understanding.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned, received, heard, and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
When the Bible speaks of confronting evil or living for Christ, the first step is TRUTH. Without truth, we can do neither. Therefore, Satan’s goal is to create a culture of narcissists unable to see or understand the truth. While God gives those, he calls the Holy Spirit, the spirit of discernment, to his service.
This is a three-hour debate that everyone needs to hear to the end. It is not easy to listen to, but it exposes possibly the most evil act ever against the human race. I would think everyone would want to know, but that is not the case.
The best liars are those who earnestly believe their lies. When you couple that with an artificially massaged ego, they can even justify what they view as a noble lie. The noble lie explains, hides, or justifies their intentions. It also delays accountability or allows an escape.
It took the institutional church 200 years to come to the truth concerning Galileo. I am not sure Jesus will tarry that long for it to acknowledge the massive evil we faced the past four years regarding the hospital protocols and experimental gene therapy, which created a WWII-level death response. These trusted institutions not only swung and missed, but their pants fell in the delusion, causing many of us to see what we never wanted about the 5013c church or the medical system. Church leaders, doctors, and medical professionals today want to leave the proper exposure of their response for another generation. Thereby escaping any accountability. That in the world of Satan is caused plausible deniability.
Little children and babies are being subject to this mass failure every day now because too many good people refuse to see the TRUTH I believe is being exposed by God for us to see!
There is Truth and Ignorance, or the Brain Surgeon frames the response as Ignorance or Fraud in the debate. The other side of truth is ignorance.
There is only one truth!