My Open Letter to the American Tax-Exempt Churches
Social media have censored me; the church sent two to silence me; I have lost friends, witnessed many eye rolls, had doctors and major medical institutions cancel me, and had many abrupt subject changes in my social circle for speaking the truth. I harbor no hard feelings because there is no time left.
And the King will answer them: whatever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did to me. And everyone who hears my words and doesn't practice them is like the foolish man who built his house on sand. The words of Jesus ring loud and clear today.
Just as the church was involved in founding this Constitutional Republic with the Black Robe Regiment, the Church today has a choice to Rescue the Republic or follow the example of the 1930s Church of Germany and remain silent. If we go the way of the German church in a short time, the Truth of the Gospel will be so offensive it will be silenced.
I encourage all American churches to show the documentary “A Line in the Sand” to their congregation to see what is happening on our southern border to children. Introduce it with the speech Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, made at the Rescue the Republic Rally.
If the Church stays in denial mode of the truth, I pray as the 89-year-old woman who spent time in a concentration camp and is now going to prison/concentration camp in the USA for praying for the unborn; let God’s judgment be swift and sure.
I could articulate many reasons the church must wake up and speak up, but no other is more precise than what is happening to children in this nation today. The single fastest way to change it is to send a clear message on and between now and November 5 that child sacrifice and abuse is the line in the sand the Church will not cross. There is only one vote and Christians is the most powerful force for change.
From this point, I wrote about some aspects of the Great awakening happening in our nation and across the globe on Monday.
Rescue the Republic Rally in Washington, D.C., draws a great crowd. Even though a Christian Patriot in the belly of the beast is speaking truth to power, they are in danger of prison without a fair trial. I haven’t listened to any of it yet, but I have Tulsi Gabbard ready for my early morning ride. Vindicating Trump is in the theaters, another Dinesh D’Souza movie I would like to see. Tucker Carlson is just finishing a tour across this once-great Christian nation, filling arenas in every city with 8,000 people or more talking to some of our nation's patriots on the front lines of a war not seen since the founding or the Civil War.
Tucker Carlson Network has a movie coming out on the 2nd of an embed crew inside the Trump campaign. Then, on the 10th, A Line in The Sand documentary with James O’Keefe’s film crew undercover on the southern border.
We have another crisis the current administration is ignoring. The imposter of a president said they have done all they can do. Tennessee is underwater, and the imposter and The Joker sent the Tennessee National Guard to the Middle East.
Yet the dopamine overload in the brains of many American citizens is ripe to be manipulated by false flags and orchestrated black swan events to fall to communism finally. Nikita Khrufacchev promised in 1956 that would happen without firing a shot.
The current administration has misplaced three hundred twenty-five thousand children and many thousands more in Ukraine. We are hearing just a glimpse of how necessary children are to Hollywood celebrates, Major Corporate CEOs, government officials, and the elites of the ruling class. The USA is now the number one supplier of children to be used by sick and evil people.
It seems only one thing that can change this is if God’s people wake up in the next 30 days and scream like Wyatt Earp in Tombstone in the attack on the river when everyone else had their heads down. He stood up and shouted, NOOOO!