Experiencing God by Henry & Richard Blackaby: "Watch and see where God is working and join Him." Jesus said, "My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working."
"Sometimes joining God where He's working may mean flying in the face of tradition. But it will never contradict the character and ways of God as described in His word."
“It’s important to understand why Jesus spoke these words. He said them “in His defense” of having healed an invalid on the Sabbath. The Jewish leaders claimed Jesus violated the law. But, it wasn’t “the” law He violated, it was “their” law.”
“Joining God requires getting ourselves out of the way. Personal agendas and human efforts will not be the way to get there. They will cloud our vision from seeing where God is working.”
“Even Jesus didn’t follow His own agenda but aligned with the Father. If the Son could “do nothing by himself,” how could we ever make true ministry happen on our own?”
I think Blackaby’s teaching and words have never been more true. I mentioned I had a lifelong friend who had attacked me relentlessly since before August of 2021 to attempt to force me to believe in his worldview, and blocked me finally. Yesterday, I had a long-time friend unsubscribe to this newsletter. I am sad for both of them. I expect both are fully vaccinated; my recent writings made them uncomfortable.
I know some of my attackers or skeptics think they are much smarter than me, but I expect, in some ways, they are. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” To find the way and life, we must look for TRUTH.
I shared a sermon a couple of weeks ago where the Pastor said if you believe a presidential election is going to change something, you must understand everything on this earth is controlled by 13 Power families. This is called a conspiracy theory. Of course, it is! This is where Satan is working against God.
You will understand when you read, study, and watch with an open mind and discernment that God gave us that has been circumvented by deception for at least the last 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, Rockefeller (one of the families) controlled 90% of the petroleum refineries in America, Standard orl Corporation, later to become Mobil, Chevron, Exxon, and others.
At that time, half of the doctors practiced holistic medicine, using harmless God-provided natural remedies. Rockefeller saw profit, bought a German pharmaceutical company, and immediately started to eliminate his competition. This was when EVIL took over petroleum, chemical, and medical, monopolizing multiple industries for control and profit.
There always were natural and harmless cures for the COVID-19 virus that man created; God had the cure. Today, we know of massive damage and death from the petrochemical injections, of which we don’t know what was in them, and this goes far beyond the COVID-19 injection. God has many cures he provided from the beginning. Most of all, God has a cure for what is coming, and we know how the story eventually ends. He takes us to a place without sickness, and the Father dwells.
My question has always been: Do we follow God or the Government controlled by EVIL when they move us down a dark path? Should we not look for the way and life where TRUTH is on this earth? Should we not fight until Jesus comes to rescue us? As for me, I don’t want to miss the call, so I want to be in the fight until the end because I believe that is where God is working today.
I am just asking for a friend If I have any!
Remedy – The Truth About Vaccines Presents REMEDY last episode today, please buy the series and give it to people you love.
(1030) The Dark History Of The Rockefeller Family Exposed - YouTube